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Thirty Years' War
The Thirty Years' War (1618–1648) became a media phenomenon, manifesting itself in different ways depending on the functions of the age's various media types. ...
by Esther-Beate Körber
Erdbeben von Lissabon
Das Erdbeben, das am 1. November 1755 die portugiesische Hauptstadt Lissabon in Schutt und Asche legte, hat wie kaum ein anderes das Abendland erschüttert. ...
by Jürgen Wilke
Chloroform, Telegraphie, Dampfschiffe und Präzisionsgewehre gehörten zu den "modernen" Merkmalen des Krimkriegs (1853–1856). Da er auch von zahlreichen ...
by Ulrich Keller
News Distribution
The human need for news and communication about news has been fulfilled in various ways in different eras and cultures by diverse technical means. Beginning ...
by Andreas Würgler
Popularisation of Science
In recent decades historians and sociologists of science have significantly revised their views on how science relates to popular culture. They have replaced ...
by Peter Bowler
Crimean War
Chloroform, telegraphy, steamships and precision rifles were among the "modern" features of the Crimean War (1853–1856). As the war was observed by numerous ...
by Ulrich Keller
Aufhebung der Gesellschaft Jesu
Dem endgültigen Verbot des Jesuitenordens durch Papst Clemens XIV. (1705–1774) im Juli 1773 war eine Reihe repressiver Maßnahmen vorangegangen, die im Jahr ...
by Christine Vogel
Censorship and Freedom of the Press
Censorship as a means of controlling communication has existed since classical antiquity. However, it became significantly more important in the early modern ...
by Jürgen Wilke
Wittenberger Reformation
Ausgehend vom publikationsstatistischen Befund skizziert dieser Beitrag die Komplexität frühreformatorischer Kommunikationsprozesse und stellt die wesentlichen ...
by Marcel Nieden
Suppression of the Society of Jesus
Pope Clement XIV's (1705–1774) brief of July 1773 suppressing the Jesuit order was preceded by a series of repressive acts, starting with the expulsion of the ...
by Christine Vogel


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