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34 Ergebnisse für Ihre Anfrage items matching your search termsBeiträgeText
- Anglophilia
In the 18th century, Great Britain became a European – indeed world – power. Following the "Glorious Revolution", the kingdom seemed to represent an ...
- Book Market
The medium of the book, as a portable store of knowledge, has always made a central contribution to the rise of cultural areas. Dependent by its nature on ...
- The Hanseatic League
The Hanseatic League was a late-medieval network of economically largely independent long-distance trade merchants which was based on trust, reputation and ...
- Wirtschaftliche Netzwerke
Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden verschiedene Netzwerkstrukturen vorgestellt, in denen wirtschaftliche Transaktionen stattfanden oder ökonomische Akteure ihr ...
- Economic Networks
This article discusses various network structures in which commercial transactions occurred and economic actors organized their activities. Simultaneous ...
- Armenian trade networks
The emergence and development as well as the structure and functioning of an early modern diasporic trade network may be illustrated on the basis of the ...
- Model Europe
The term "Model Europe" refers to a decision made against the background, and as the result, of the devastating conflicts of the 20th century, to create a ...
- Modell Europa
Unter "Modell Europa" versteht man eine vor der Folie der verheerenden Konflikte im 20. Jahrhundert herbeigeführte Entscheidung, unter dem Label der ...
- Wirtschaftsbeziehungen
Der Beitrag skizziert die Anfänge und wesentlichen Entwicklungslinien der wirtschaftlichen Verflechtungsbeziehungen zwischen Europa und den außereuropäischen ...
- Colonialism and Imperialism
The colonial encirclement of the world is an integral component of European history from the Early Modern Period to the phase of decolonisation. Individual ...
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