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The transfer of knowledge and culture in Europe – particularly since the emergence of national languages as the languages of literature and scholarship – is ...
by Mary Snell-Hornby , Jürgen Schopp
State Forms and State Systems
This article discusses the transformation of Europe from a collection of Christian dynasties and (city-) republics, which were all part of the Church of Rome ...
by Robert von Friedeburg
The term "Reich" is found in a variety of European languages and has several applications in German. "Das Reich" is different, however, and it derives its ...
by Joachim Whaley
Revolution and Migration after 1789
The French Revolution provoked one of modern history's massive waves of political migration. Émigrés from all levels of French society dispersed throughout ...
by Friedemann Pestel
Islam in Europe
From the early Middle Ages until the beginning of the twentieth century, Islamic states were an integral part of Europe's political geography. Throughout the ...
by Patrick Franke
Die europäischen Wälder sind über Jahrhunderte hinweg nicht nur zur Holzproduktion, sondern auch von der Landwirtschaft intensiv genutzt worden. Das hat zu ...
by Bernd-Stefan Grewe
Dem Mittelalter war eine Trennung von weltlichem und geistlichem Recht fremd. Es gab einen einheitlichen Rechtsbegriff, der religiös-metaphysisch begründet ...
by Martin Otto
Kirche und 'Türkengefahr'
Seit der Eroberung Anatoliens durch türkische Stammeskrieger unter der Führung des seldschukischen Prinzen Suleiman ibn Kutalmiş Ende des 11. Jahrhunderts ...
by Mariano Delgado
Normen und Werte des neuen Staates wurden insbesondere in den Gründerjahren der Türkischen Republik gesetzt. Treibende Kraft hinter dem Nationalisierungs- und ...
by Sara-Marie Demiriz
From the 16th century onward, women cultivated in salons a specific form of conversational conviviality and also registered their participation in the res ...
by Petra Dollinger


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