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Die europäische Chinamode des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts äußerte sich im Konsum von chinesischen Importgütern und europäischen Nacherfindungen. Sie dauerte für ...
by Mareike Menne
German Legal System
The German legal system refers to the continental European, German-speaking, and typically codified law dominated by the private-law systems of Austria, ...
by Elisabeth Berger
China Fashion
In the 17th and 18th centuries, European fashion was influenced by the allure of Chinese aesthetics, manifesting in the consumption of imported Chinese goods ...
by Mareike Menne
Codification Movements
From the mid-18th century, there was an increasing trend to regulate larger domains of law, such as civil or criminal law, through the implementation of ...
by Wilhelm Brauneder
Internationalization of Sport
The transnational spread of sport in the 19th century, facilitated primarily by the migration of elite athletes, culminated at the turn of the century in the ...
by Christian Koller
Lingua Franca
This article addresses the transition from Latin to French as the dominant lingua franca in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. While this ...
by Thorsten Roelcke
Political Migration (Exile)
In the wake of the "Atlantic Revolutions" of the years 1770–1800, exile movements grew in importance, and political motives became their prominent causes. In ...
by Delphine Diaz
Internationale soziale Bewegungen
Dieser Artikel untersucht eine Vielfalt internationaler sozialer Bewegungen vor 1945 und will dadurch zu einer tieferschürfenden transnationalen historischen ...
by Stefan Berger
Transport und Verkehr
Die europäischen Verkehrssysteme und Mobilitätspraktiken haben sich seit der Einführung von Eisenbahn und Dampfschiffahrt im 19. Jahrhundert grundlegend ...
by Anette Schlimm
Politische Migration (Exil)
Im Gefolge der "Atlantischen Revolutionen" der Jahre 1770–1800 gewannen Exilbewegungen an Bedeutung, zu deren wesentlichen Triebkräften wiederum politische ...
by Delphine Diaz


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