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Greek War of Independence
This article deals with developments leading up to, the unfolding of and the outcome of the Greek War of Independence which began in 1821, while focusing in ...
by Ioannis Zelepos
Orthodox Theology in Western Europe
Orthodox theology in Western Europe in the 20th century is a fascinating phenomenon. Owing to the revolution in Russia and the economic and political ...
by Ivana Noble , Timothy Noble
Russland und Europa 1547–1917
Russland und Europa waren in den zurückliegenden fünf Jahrhunderten politisch, ökonomisch und kulturell miteinander verflochten. Vor allem ab dem 18. ...
by Martin Aust
Die "Nationalkirchen" Südosteuropas
Im Kontext der neuzeitlichen Nationalbewegungen Südosteuropas standen kirchliche und staatliche Entwicklungen in einem Wechselspiel, wobei der ...
by Eva Synek
Europäische Herrschaft über die Welt entwickelte sich seit dem 16. Jahrhundert punktuell und regional sehr unterschiedlich. Bürokratisch-absolutische ...
by Reinhard Wendt
Russia and Europe (1547–1917)
Over the last five centuries, Russia and Europe have been closely interconnected politically, economically and culturally. Particularly from the 18th century ...
by Martin Aust
The transfer of knowledge and culture in Europe – particularly since the emergence of national languages as the languages of literature and scholarship – is ...
by Mary Snell-Hornby , Jürgen Schopp
"Science" is a key concept of modern culture. It is characterized in a unique way both by the adherence to strict principles and by a large degree of openness. ...
by Paul Ziche , Joppe van Driel
Osmanen und christliche Verbündete
Beziehungen zwischen Osmanen und Christen bestanden nicht aus ständiger Feindschaft und Konflikten, wie gemeinhin angenommen. Die Osmanen beschäftigten ...
by Emrah Safa Gürkan
Artistic and literary production are not inherently urban processes in themselves but they have always flourished in an urban context and the processes of ...
by Markian Prokopovych , Rosemary H. Sweet


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