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Als Panturkismus wird die Idee bezeichnet, alle turksprachigen Völker des Kaukasus, des Wolga-Ural-Gebietes, der Krim, Vorder- und Zentralasiens unter dem Dach ...
by Berna Pekesen
Beim Antisemitismus in Europa wird gegenwärtig zwischen fünf Artikulationsvarianten unterschieden: der religiös-antijüdischen, der völkisch-rassistischen, der ...
by Samuel Salzborn
Today, experts differentiate between five forms of antisemitism in Europe: religious/anti-Jewish, völkisch/racist, secondary, anti-Zionist/anti-Israeli and ...
by Samuel Salzborn
This article introduces Slavic unity concepts of the "long" 19th century based on Russian imperial Pan-Slavism and democratic national Austro-Slavism. In the ...
by Lars Karl , Adamantios Skordos
Between roughly 1880 and 1945, various macro-nationalistic ideologies appeared on the socio-political scene of the world. Based on ethnicity (pan-Slavism, ...
by Tilman Lüdke
International Labour Organization
For a decade now, the use of a transnational approach has profoundly renewed views of the history of the International Labour Organization (ILO). On the basis ...
by Véronique Plata-Stenger
Confessional Associations
The international confessional societies that exist today and are mostly dominated by Protestants (above all the World Council of Churches, the Lutheran World ...
by Gerhard Lindemann
Rotes Kreuz und Roter Halbmond
Aus dem 1863 gegründeten Genfer Komitee zur Hilfe verwundeter Soldaten und zur Weiterentwicklung des Völkerrechts entstand die bis heute florierende ...
by Esther Möller
Die heute bestehenden internationalen zumeist protestantisch dominierten Konfessionsverbände (v. a. Ökumenischer Rat der Kirchen, Lutherischer Weltbund, ...
by Gerhard Lindemann
Civil Society
Since 1989, European historical science has developed a strong interest in the concept of "civil society". According to a combined-definition that draws on ...
by Dieter Gosewinkel


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