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Throughout European history monarchs, states, and governments have claimed the right to select men and force them to serve in the military. Modern ...
by Kevin Linch
Civil Military Relations
To operate efficiently, armed forces require physical separation from civilian society, achieved usually through the employment of mercenaries, conscription ...
by John Childs
Kultur und Gesellschaft
Im Russischen Zarenreich wie in der Sowjetunion formten Kunst und Kultur das Selbstverständnis der Gesellschaft. Nach dem Sieg über Napoleon trugen Architektur ...
by Ada Raev
Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsmigrationen Frühe Neuzeit
Die Menschen im Europa der Vormoderne waren sehr mobil, trotz vielerorts geltender Restriktionen, etwa aufgrund von Leibeigenschaft. Hoch qualifizierte ...
by Klaus Weber
Orthodox Mission
When we think of European Christians proselytising abroad in the modern age, the missions that come to mind tend to be Roman Catholic or Protestant. Yet the ...
by Ciprian Burlacioiu
Culture and Society
In both the Russian tsarist empire and the Soviet Union, art and culture shaped society's self-image. After the victory over Napoleon, architecture and the ...
by Ada Raev
Economic Migration Early Modern Europe
Human beings in pre-modern Europe were intensely mobile, despite restrictions in many places, such as those due to serfdom. On a seasonal or permanent basis, ...
by Klaus Weber
Codification Movements
From the mid-18th century, there was an increasing trend to regulate larger domains of law, such as civil or criminal law, through the implementation of ...
by Wilhelm Brauneder
Internationalization of Sport
The transnational spread of sport in the 19th century, facilitated primarily by the migration of elite athletes, culminated at the turn of the century in the ...
by Christian Koller
Political Migration (Exile)
In the wake of the "Atlantic Revolutions" of the years 1770–1800, exile movements grew in importance, and political motives became their prominent causes. In ...
by Delphine Diaz


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