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335 Ergebnisse für Ihre Anfrage items matching your search termsBeiträgeText
- Mission, colonialism, and changing values
The article describes missionary processes in the (early) modern period and analyzes the tension that existed with colonialism. In this context, a strict ...
- Jewish Anti-Zionist Movements
In response to the emergence of political Zionism as an "international nationalism" towards the end of the 19th century, an inter- and transnational front that ...
- Transfer of European legal norms
The transfer of legal norms is a distinct feature of European legal history. There has been mutual influence of legal norms across national and linguistic ...
- Economy and Agriculture
This article investigates from the perspective of the history of cultural transfer how the models of the administrative-command economy and collective ...
- Adaption westlicher Staatskirchenmodelle
Bis Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts stand die Organisation der Orthodoxie im Einklang mit den alten Kanones aus dem byzantinischen Zeitalter. Auch nach der ...
- Region
A region is a medium-sized spatial unit characterized by its relative indeterminacy and fluidity. It requires a reference value and is therefore defined in ...
- Kultur und Gesellschaft
Im Russischen Zarenreich wie in der Sowjetunion formten Kunst und Kultur das Selbstverständnis der Gesellschaft. Nach dem Sieg über Napoleon trugen Architektur ...
- International Social Movements
This article examines a variety of international social movements before 1945 and seeks to encourage a more deep-rooted historical transnational study of ...
- Orthodox Mission
When we think of European Christians proselytising abroad in the modern age, the missions that come to mind tend to be Roman Catholic or Protestant. Yet the ...
- Internationalisierung des Sports
Die hauptsächlich durch Elitenmigration vermittelte transnationale Verbreitung des Sports im 19. Jahrhundert mündete zur Jahrhundertwende in die Entstehung ...
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