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University Collections
European universities house a variety of collections that played, and continue to play, an important role in the development of academic traditions, in the ...
by Cornelia Weber
In debates surrounding Europe's shared history, the role of technology is hardly addressed. As a contributing factor, it appears too far removed from political ...
by Marcus Popplow
Border Theories
This article discusses concepts and realities of "borders" in early modern Europe. It outlines the basic shifts in the relevant terminology with particular ...
by Maria Baramova
Church Discipline
This article surveys the 16th-century development and dissemination of concepts and models of ecclesiastical discipline in the Calvinistic (or Reformed) ...
by Jordan Ballor , W. Bradford Littlejohn
Mosaic of Languages
Europe is a continent of great linguistic and cultural differences, and Europeans have always been conscious of linguistic diversity. The distribution of ...
by Harald Haarmann
Dissenter und Nonkonformisten
Traditionell werden mit den Begriffen "Dissenter" und "Nonkonformisten" Anhänger christlicher Gruppen bezeichnet, die sich im frühneuzeitlichen England von der ...
by Thomas Hahn-Bruckart
Vorstellungen von Gender sind eines der grundlegenden Ordnungsprinzipien von Räumen. Der Schlüssel zum Verständnis dieser Ordnungsmacht liegt im Konzept des ...
by Alexia Bumbaris
Islam and Islamic Law
It has traditionally been assumed that the influence of Islam on Western jurisprudence was far less than on natural sciences, philosophy and even theology. ...
by Richard Potz
Islam in Europa
Vom frühen Mittelalter bis zum Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts bildeten islamische Staaten einen festen Bestandteil der politischen Landkarte Europas. Seit Anfang ...
by Patrick Franke
Reformation in Skandinavien
Wittenberg war der wichtigste Impulsgeber für die Reformation in den beiden skandinavischen Reichen, dem dänischen und dem schwedischen Reich. In beiden ...
by Simo Heininen , Otfried Czaika


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