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Islam and Islamic Law
It has traditionally been assumed that the influence of Islam on Western jurisprudence was far less than on natural sciences, philosophy and even theology. ...
by Richard Potz
Islam in Europa
Vom frühen Mittelalter bis zum Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts bildeten islamische Staaten einen festen Bestandteil der politischen Landkarte Europas. Seit Anfang ...
by Patrick Franke
Reformation in Skandinavien
Wittenberg war der wichtigste Impulsgeber für die Reformation in den beiden skandinavischen Reichen, dem dänischen und dem schwedischen Reich. In beiden ...
by Simo Heininen , Otfried Czaika
Englische und amerikanische Verfassungs- und Demokratiemodelle
Während im 18. Jahrhundert die Begeisterung für die freiheitliche englische Verfassung ein zentraler Bestandteil der kontinentalen Anglophilie war, entstand ...
by Horst Dippel
The transfer of knowledge and culture in Europe – particularly since the emergence of national languages as the languages of literature and scholarship – is ...
by Mary Snell-Hornby , Jürgen Schopp
State Forms and State Systems
This article discusses the transformation of Europe from a collection of Christian dynasties and (city-) republics, which were all part of the Church of Rome ...
by Robert von Friedeburg
The term "Reich" is found in a variety of European languages and has several applications in German. "Das Reich" is different, however, and it derives its ...
by Joachim Whaley
Gendered Spaces
Concepts of gender are one of the fundamental ordering principles of spaces. The key to understanding this ordering powerlies in the concept of relational ...
by Alexia Bumbaris
Islam in Europe
From the early Middle Ages until the beginning of the twentieth century, Islamic states were an integral part of Europe's political geography. Throughout the ...
by Patrick Franke
Thirty Years' War
The Thirty Years' War (1618–1648) became a media phenomenon, manifesting itself in different ways depending on the functions of the age's various media types. ...
by Esther-Beate Körber


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