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265 Ergebnisse für Ihre Anfrage items matching your search termsBeiträgeText
- Dynastic Marriage
The often-quoted "family of princes" was at no time a truly pan-European network, but represented rather a collection of various marriage circles defined first ...
- Zionism until 1948
This article traces the history of European-shaped Zionism during and after the First World War until the founding of Israel in 1948. Its primary aim is to ...
- "The West"
This article explores the transformation of the directional concept "the west" into the socio-political concept "the West". From the early 19th century onward, ...
- World War II
The article evaluates the degree to which the Second World War was responsible for the development of Europe since 1945. It seeks to disentangle effects that ...
- Socialist International
Solidarity across borders is part of the core programme of the workers' movement. The International Working Men's Association, which was established in 1864, ...
- Rechtsräume, Rechtskreise
Die Lehre von den Rechtskreisen versucht, die Gesamtheit des globalen Rechtsstoffes nach bestimmten Kriterien in größere Gruppen von Rechtsordnungen ...
- Media Genres
Media defined as technology for the mass distribution of messages to large audiences are a recent phenomenon in human history. For a long time, the printing ...
- Ethnische Zwangsmigration
Mit der Nationsbildung und der ethnischen Definition von Nationalstaaten kam es auf den Territorien der vormals multiethnischen Imperien in Europa, das heißt ...
- Ottoman History of South-East Europe
The era of Ottoman Rule, which began in the fourteenth century, is among the most controversial chapters of South-East European history. Over several stages of ...
- Transfer europäischer Rechtsnormen
Der Transfer von Rechtsnormen stellt ein besonders Merkmal der europäischen Rechtsgeschichte dar. Die gegenseitige Beeinflussung von Rechtsnormen über Staats- ...
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