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Dutch Anatomy
The Leiden University medical faculty was famous in 17th-century Europe. Students came from all over Europe to sit at the feet of the well-known medical ...
by Rina Knoeff
University Collections
European universities house a variety of collections that played, and continue to play, an important role in the development of academic traditions, in the ...
by Cornelia Weber
In debates surrounding Europe's shared history, the role of technology is hardly addressed. As a contributing factor, it appears too far removed from political ...
by Marcus Popplow
Vorstellungen von Gender sind eines der grundlegenden Ordnungsprinzipien von Räumen. Der Schlüssel zum Verständnis dieser Ordnungsmacht liegt im Konzept des ...
by Alexia Bumbaris
Medizinische Humanisten
Zahlreiche Aspekte des medizinischen Humanismus konnten in grundlegenden Forschungen der letzten dreißig Jahre offengelegt und interpretiert werden. Dabei ...
by Daniel Schäfer
German Education and Science
Prior to the 19th century, poetry, rhetoric, historiography and moral philosophy were considered particularly valuable to humane education, as they transmitted ...
by Bas van Bommel
Rassismus ist nicht an einem bestimmbaren Ort oder zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt entstanden. Der Beitrag untersucht die unterschiedlichen Entwicklungsstränge, ...
by Boris Barth
Enlightenment Philosophy
The term "enlightenment", as a noun or adjective, has been widely used by 20th-century historians to cover a multitude of ideas and activities in the 18th ...
by Peter Jones
The transfer of knowledge and culture in Europe – particularly since the emergence of national languages as the languages of literature and scholarship – is ...
by Mary Snell-Hornby , Jürgen Schopp
Revolution and Migration after 1789
The French Revolution provoked one of modern history's massive waves of political migration. Émigrés from all levels of French society dispersed throughout ...
by Friedemann Pestel


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