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The region that we now call Europe has never been a clear, self-contained entity in geographical, historical, or cultural terms. Rather, the constitutive ...
by Eva-Maria Troelenberg
Crimean War
Chloroform, telegraphy, steamships and precision rifles were among the "modern" features of the Crimean War (1853–1856). As the war was observed by numerous ...
by Ulrich Keller
In the period 1450–1900, Europeans travelled to places both near and far, encountering landscapes and people. These encounters changed the world. New contact ...
by Doris Gruber
Kultur und Gesellschaft
Im Russischen Zarenreich wie in der Sowjetunion formten Kunst und Kultur das Selbstverständnis der Gesellschaft. Nach dem Sieg über Napoleon trugen Architektur ...
by Ada Raev
Culture and Society
In both the Russian tsarist empire and the Soviet Union, art and culture shaped society's self-image. After the victory over Napoleon, architecture and the ...
by Ada Raev
Die europäische Chinamode des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts äußerte sich im Konsum von chinesischen Importgütern und europäischen Nacherfindungen. Sie dauerte für ...
by Mareike Menne
China Fashion
In the 17th and 18th centuries, European fashion was influenced by the allure of Chinese aesthetics, manifesting in the consumption of imported Chinese goods ...
by Mareike Menne
Model Hercules
Hercules, the semi-divine hero of classical myth, has served as a model in many ways in both art and politics. This article has its focus on the changing ...
by Valerie Mainz


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