Ergebnis Ihrer SucheSearch results
315 Ergebnisse für Ihre Anfrage items matching your search termsBeiträgeText
- Hospital
The hospital is a typical specialized facility of the modern age: Sick people are brought together under the ideal of socially and ideologically indifferent ...
- Royal and imperial courts and dynasties
This contribution offers a broad overview of the common themes that linked together the royal and imperial courts of Europe in the pre-modern world. In ...
- China Fashion
In the 17th and 18th centuries, European fashion was influenced by the allure of Chinese aesthetics, manifesting in the consumption of imported Chinese goods ...
- Intellectual and Academic Networks
Intellectual and academic networks in the period 1450 to 1800 were structured by diverse connections between persons, including letters, and by academic ...
- Internationalization of Sport
The transnational spread of sport in the 19th century, facilitated primarily by the migration of elite athletes, culminated at the turn of the century in the ...
- Lingua Franca
This article addresses the transition from Latin to French as the dominant lingua franca in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. While this ...
- Political Migration (Exile)
In the wake of the "Atlantic Revolutions" of the years 1770–1800, exile movements grew in importance, and political motives became their prominent causes. In ...
- Internationale soziale Bewegungen
Dieser Artikel untersucht eine Vielfalt internationaler sozialer Bewegungen vor 1945 und will dadurch zu einer tieferschürfenden transnationalen historischen ...
- Königshöfe, Kaiserhöfe und Dynastien
Dieser Beitrag liefert einen breiten Überblick über Themen und Motive, die für ein länderübergreifendes Verständnis königlicher und kaiserlicher Höfe im Europa ...
- Transport und Verkehr
Die europäischen Verkehrssystem und Mobilitätspraktiken haben sich seit der Einführung von Eisenbahn und Dampfschifffahrt im 19. Jahrhundert grundlegend ...
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