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Armenian trade networks
The emergence and development as well as the structure and functioning of an early modern diasporic trade network may be illustrated on the basis of the ...
by Tamara Ganjalyan
Economic Relations
This article sketches the beginnings and central trends in the development of economic ties between Europe and regions outside Europe from 1450 to 1950. The ...
by Rolf Walter
Confessional Migration of the Huguenots
This article investigates the conditions and consequences of one of the most significant transfer processes in early modern Europe: the migration of the ...
by Ute Lotz-Heumann
Natur und Umwelt
Der Text nähert sich dem Kommunikationsraum und sozialen Konstrukt Europa aus umwelthistorischer Perspektive und spürt Gemeinsamkeiten wie Unterschieden der ...
by Nils Freytag
Cultural Transfer
Cultural transfers have occurred in all historical periods, but it is possible to discern trends and distinct periods. It is only through these transfers that ...
by Wolfgang Schmale
Kulturelle Transfers finden zu allen historischen Zeiten statt, aber es lassen sich Konjunkturen und Epochen unterscheiden. Erst durch solche Transfers kann ...
by Wolfgang Schmale
Forced Ethnic Migration
Movements of peoples due to nationality and ethnicity occurred on an unprecedented scale over the course of the 20th century during the formation of nations ...
by Holm Sundhaussen
Emigration 1933–1945/1950
National Socialism destroyed and displaced the unique culture of the short-lived Weimar Republic The forced emigration of most of its representatives meant ...
by Claus-Dieter Krohn
Armenische Handelsnetzwerke
Anhand des Netzwerks der armenischen Fernkaufleute von Neu Julfa (Iran) lässt sich beispielhaft die Entstehung und Entwicklung sowie die Struktur und ...
by Tamara Ganjalyan
Exul Christi
Die wechselseitige Beeinflussung von Migration und theologischer Wirklichkeitsdeutung im Luthertum des späten 16. Jahrhunderts lässt sich vor allem für ...
by Vera von der Osten-Sacken


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