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136 Ergebnisse für Ihre Anfrage items matching your search termsBeiträgeText
- Metropolises
Artistic and literary production are not inherently urban processes in themselves but they have always flourished in an urban context and the processes of ...
- Nordosteuropa
Geschichtsregionen sind wie "Epochen", "Mächte", "Ereignisse" und andere Kategorisierungsbegriffe historiographische Hilfsmittel, um im komplexen und oft ...
- East West Literary Transfers
This article re-examines one of the aesthetic foundations of orientalist discourse. It focuses on the circulation of literary themes, techniques and motifs ...
- Handelshäuser
Seit dem späten Mittelalter ist in Europa eine langfristige Zunahme und Verdichtung weiträumiger Handelsaktivitäten festzustellen, die mit einem wachsenden ...
- The Hanseatic League
The Hanseatic League was a late-medieval network of economically largely independent long-distance trade merchants which was based on trust, reputation and ...
- Emigration Across the Atlantic
Emigration across the Atlantic by Europeans during the 19th and 20th centuries, and especially during the so-called age of mass European migration from 1850 to ...
- Global Health
The worldwide spread of the European type of medicine has taken place since the early modern period, above all through trade settlements, Christian missionary ...
- Trading Companies
Starting in the late medieval period, European long-distance trading activities increased in volume and density over a long period. Consequently, the capital ...
- Colonial Exhibitions and 'Völkerschauen'
The term 'Völkerschau' became common in the 19th century and denoted the exhibition of members of particular ethnic groups, above all for commercial reasons. ...
- Flucht und Vertreibung (1938–1950)
In den Jahren 1938 bis 1950 waren zahlreiche Völker und Volksgruppen von Evakuierung, Flucht, Bevölkerungsaustausch, Vertreibung und Zwangsaussiedlung ...
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