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Europäische Begegnungen
Der Beitrag analysiert die europäische Expansion in Übersee und die vielfältigen Begegnungen zwischen europäischen Seefahrern, Entdeckern, Eroberern, ...
by Guido Abbattista
Christian Networks
Modern network analysis is extremely useful when investigating not only the relationships between individuals and within groups and institutions, but also ...
by Markus Wriedt
Armenian trade networks
The emergence and development as well as the structure and functioning of an early modern diasporic trade network may be illustrated on the basis of the ...
by Tamara Ganjalyan
Albrecht von Hallers Korrespondenz
Der Schweizer Gelehrte, Naturforscher, Arzt, Dichter und Magistrat Albrecht von Haller (1708–1777) unterhielt einen der umfangreichsten Briefwechsel seiner ...
by Hubert Steinke
Zensur und Pressefreiheit
Zensur als Mittel der Kommunikationskontrolle gab es schon in der Antike. Eine maßgebliche Bedeutung erhielt sie aber erst in der Frühen Neuzeit mit der ...
by Jürgen Wilke
European Media Events
Spatial and cultural constructions such as "Europe" constitute themselves to a considerable extent through communication. Since 1500, the conception of Europe ...
by Frank Bösch
Wittenberg Reformation
Based on publishing statistics, this article traces the complexity of early Reformation processes of communication and depicts the most significant literary ...
by Marcel Nieden
French Revolution
The French Revolution can be considered an epochal medial event in two ways. First, it resulted from an unprecedented explosion of text, images and oral media ...
by Rolf Reichardt
Der Novemberaufstand 1830 in Warschau und der polnisch-russische Krieg, der nach der Abwahl Nikolaus' I. (1796–1855) als polnischer König im Januar 1831 ...
by Gabriela Brudzyńska-Němec
Censorship and Freedom of the Press
Censorship as a means of controlling communication has existed since classical antiquity. However, it became significantly more important in the early modern ...
by Jürgen Wilke


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