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Decolonization and Revolution
Decolonization is a central historical trend. Occurring in four broad phases from 1776 up to 1991, it has shaped the present-day global system of states ...
by Fabian Klose
Die universal angelegten Sammlungsräume der Kunst- und Wunderkammern sind eine Besonderheit der Vormoderne. In ihnen wurden Artefakte und natürliche ...
by Gabriele Beßler
Orthodox Theology in Western Europe
Orthodox theology in Western Europe in the 20th century is a fascinating phenomenon. Owing to the revolution in Russia and the economic and political ...
by Ivana Noble , Timothy Noble
Die Französischen Religionskriege als Medienereignisse
Die Französischen Religionskriege (1562–1598) gelten als einer der zentralen europäischen Konfessionskonflikte in der zweiten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts und ...
by Alexandra Schäfer
Russland und Europa 1547–1917
Russland und Europa waren in den zurückliegenden fünf Jahrhunderten politisch, ökonomisch und kulturell miteinander verflochten. Vor allem ab dem 18. ...
by Martin Aust
Russia and Europe (1547–1917)
Over the last five centuries, Russia and Europe have been closely interconnected politically, economically and culturally. Particularly from the 18th century ...
by Martin Aust
Dutch Book Trade
In the 17th century, the Dutch Republic witnessed its Golden Age. The reasons for this phenomenon are diverse, but it impacted all branches of Dutch society, ...
by Paul G. Hoftijzer
Personal Union and Transfer
During the transition from early-modern societies to the nation states of the 19th and 20th centuries, the formation of the territorial state performed an ...
by Torsten Riotte
Revolution and Migration after 1789
The French Revolution provoked one of modern history's massive waves of political migration. Émigrés from all levels of French society dispersed throughout ...
by Friedemann Pestel
Popularisation of Science
In recent decades historians and sociologists of science have significantly revised their views on how science relates to popular culture. They have replaced ...
by Peter Bowler


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