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56 Ergebnisse für Ihre Anfrage items matching your search termsBeiträgeText
- German Education and Science
Prior to the 19th century, poetry, rhetoric, historiography and moral philosophy were considered particularly valuable to humane education, as they transmitted ...
- Enlightenment Philosophy
The term "enlightenment", as a noun or adjective, has been widely used by 20th-century historians to cover a multitude of ideas and activities in the 18th ...
- "Geschichtsregion"
Das transnational-vergleichende Forschungsdesign der "Geschichtsregion" ist eine innerhalb der historischen Teildisziplin Osteuropäische Geschichte entwickelte ...
- Chambers of Art
As collection rooms based on a universalist approach, the chambers of art and wonders (Wunderkammern) were characteristic of the pre-modern era. In them, ...
- Vergleichende Geschichte
Der Beitrag geht der Geschichte des historischen Vergleichs in der Geschichtswissenschaft nach und diskutiert seine Funktion, Leistungsfähigkeit und ...
- Wissens- und Wissenschaftstransfer
Wer kennt nicht die abenteuerlichen Geschichten von Forschungsreisenden und Entdeckern, die mutig in See stachen, um unter harten Entbehrungen der Wahrheit und ...
- Comparative History
This article traces the fate of historical comparison in the discipline of history and discusses its function, capacities, and theoretical and methodological ...
- Population
Historically, "population" has been an indispensable and ostensibly unambiguous concept – "population" encompasses the inhabitants of a specific territory at a ...
- Natur und Umwelt
Der Text nähert sich dem Kommunikationsraum und sozialen Konstrukt Europa aus umwelthistorischer Perspektive und spürt Gemeinsamkeiten wie Unterschieden der ...
- Cultural Transfer
Cultural transfers have occurred in all historical periods, but it is possible to discern trends and distinct periods. It is only through these transfers that ...
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