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The Mediterranean region is a contact zone between Africa, Asia, and Europe – a "fluid continent" (Gabriel Audisio), where religious and cultural, political ...
by Manuel Borutta
This article discusses water as a substance and a historical subject matter. The focus is on the different historical, social and cultural functions that water ...
by Franziska Torma
Mission, Kolonialismus und Wertewandel
Der Beitrag beschreibt Missionsprozesse in der (Frühen) Neuzeit und analysiert das Spannungsverhältnis zum Kolonialismus. Dabei ist strikt zwischen ...
by Michael Sievernich
The term "internationalism" denotes a variety of impulses and initiatives that favoured and facilitated cooperation between individuals, groups, organisations ...
by Daniel Laqua
The Young Men's Christian Association is one of the largest and oldest youth movements in the world. From the perspective of organisation studies, the YMCA can ...
by Martti Muukkonen
Krieg und "Nachkrieg"
Bis zum 18. Jahrhundert galt der Krieg als gewalttätige Auseinandersetzung zwischen souveränen Staaten. Spätestens in der Aufklärung wurde er einer ...
by Olaf Peters
Fleeing and Displacement (1938–1950)
From 1938 to 1950, many nations and ethnic groups experienced evacuation, fleeing, population exchange, expulsion and forced resettlement. After the signing of ...
by Detlef Brandes
Orthodoxe Mission
Wenn von der europäischen Mission der Neuzeit die Rede ist, denkt man zumeist an römisch-katholische oder protestantische Unternehmungen. Doch auch die ...
by Ciprian Burlacioiu
First World War
During the course of the First World War, the armed forces involved increasingly attempted to construct individual incidents of the war as media events in an ...
by Christian Götter
The region that we now call Europe has never been a clear, self-contained entity in geographical, historical, or cultural terms. Rather, the constitutive ...
by Eva-Maria Troelenberg


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