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Freizeit und Technik
Generalisierend betrachtet hat die verfügbare Freizeit seit Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts immer weiter zugenommen; diese Entwicklung mündete in den 1980er Jahren ...
by Stefan Poser
Dynastic Marriage
The often-quoted "family of princes" was at no time a truly pan-European network, but represented rather a collection of various marriage circles defined first ...
by Heinz Duchhardt
"The West"
This article explores the transformation of the directional concept "the west" into the socio-political concept "the West". From the early 19th century onward, ...
by Riccardo Bavaj
World War II
The article evaluates the degree to which the Second World War was responsible for the development of Europe since 1945. It seeks to disentangle effects that ...
by A.W. Purdue
Media Genres
Media defined as technology for the mass distribution of messages to large audiences are a recent phenomenon in human history. For a long time, the printing ...
by Jürgen Wilke
Ottoman History of South-East Europe
The era of Ottoman Rule, which began in the fourteenth century, is among the most controversial chapters of South-East European history. Over several stages of ...
by Markus Koller
Der Mittelmeerraum ist eine Kontaktzone Afrikas, Asiens und Europas – ein "flüssiger Kontinent" (Gabriel Audisio), in dem sich religiöse und kulturelle, ...
by Manuel Borutta
Hesychasmus und Starzentum
Eine kontemplative Gebetsweise aus den Anfängen des Christentums führte in Russland zu Beginn der Neuzeit dazu, dass das Starzentum als Bewegung geistlicher ...
by Britta Müller-Schauenburg
Kavalierstour – Bildungsreise – Grand Tour
Im Mittelpunkt der folgenden Ausführungen stehen Reisen zum Bildungs- und Wissenserwerb, wie sie im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit in adeligen und bürgerlichen ...
by Mathis Leibetseder
Chambers of Art
As collection rooms based on a universalist approach, the chambers of art and wonders (Wunderkammern) were characteristic of the pre-modern era. In them, ...
by Gabriele Beßler


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